Old (new) E-books

This was long overdue.

I’ve had the publishing rights for my first three novels for a while. This happened before publishers cared and e-books became a significant source of income. Try getting your publication rights back today, though, and you’re in for a fight (a story for another time).

In any event, Pawn’s Dream, A Game of Universe, and Dry Water are now available as e-books.

This took a bit longer than I thought — scanning the old books, working with freelance editors, and designing new covers.

Off topic: pre-1998 there were no electronic files to get back for these books (hence the scanning). All final edits were entered by the original publisher in a cryptic proprietary   format for the giant machines used to print books in that long-ago ancient era.


Pawns-Dream-300x200Pawn’s Dream was my first novel, a contemporary fantasy, which set the stage for the mortal magical families in my universe (see also the Mortal Coil series, and the upcoming, The Enchanted Knot, also in the same world).






A-Game-of-Universe-300x200A Game of Universe is a grail quest set in the far future with a corporate assassin as an unlikely hero. Long out of print, with physical copies going as much as $200.00, you can now get the electronic version for a steal.






Dry-Water-300x200Dry Water was nominated for the 1998 World Fantasy Award. Larry Ngitis comes to Dry Water, New Mexico, a town with a reputation for hauntings, unexplained weather, and vanishing treasure hunters. A shy author and reluctant psychic, Larry has the unsettling ability to see how people will die.





So, if you haven’t read these yet–what are you waiting for?  🙂


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