Long Haul

Today ends over fifteen months of non-stop writing and editing. All projects have been turned into editors and agents, and for the first time in ages I got up this morning with nothing to work on.

So, of course, I started planning the next project.

Someone near and dear to my heart suggested I take a break, but I get very uneasy when I’m not writing. I think without creating something every day, a part of me dies.

So many, many choices.

More Resisters… The Scalagari Saga… Isla Blue… Half As Old As Time…

Novel series…  graphic novels… screenplays…. A kid’s picture book….
Any thoughts on what you think I should write next?

Catching up on all that unanswered email might be the first thing on my list 🙂






HERO on sale in the UK

Kindle Direct Publishing allows an author to put a book on sale in the U.S. or the U.K., but not…

Monkeys #1 in D&D

Being number one in this category makes me inordinately happy. Thanks everyone for your support!

Release the Drunken Monkeys!

Finally! I can get these creatures out of my office. Oh sure, they’re “cute.” You have no idea what they've…

.99 cent sale on Heroes of Thera

To celebrate the launch on a Thousand Drunken Monkeys, the e-book version of Hero of Thera is on sale for…