TLDR: HERO OF THERA Audiobook is out. Here.

I love audiobooks.

I have to confess, though, I’ve never been satisfied with the audiobooks created from my novels (Warlords of Recess is good, but alas, merely a short story).

HERO OF THERA is lightyears different.

Rising star, Jeff Hays is an extraordinary voice actor, and I was lucky to book him. I asked Jeff for the moon—things like “I need this voice to be like Benedict Cumberbatch in Dr. Strange. You know deep, lots of gravitas, yet has a wide emotional range—a notch less dry humor, oh, and more gamer-y. You got that, right Jeff?

…And Jeff nailed it.

(Sorry if you blew out your vocal cords a few times, Jeff! It was worth it. 🙂  )

This is the first audiobook that meets, and far exceeds, my bar.

Of course this might seem disingenuous and self-serving. I admit my tastes and your tastes might not be the same. If you’ve liked any of my work, however, please at least check out the audio preview and decide for yourself.


May your aim be pixel-perfect.



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