Hero of Thera Out Today

Are you a top-rated gamer?
Then you might have the skills to play the Game … where players are sponsored by actual demon lords, gods and goddesses, or Lovecraftian nightmares.

It’s always a mixture of excitement and apprehension on a book’s launch date.

Hero of Thera is finally out!

eBook and trade paperback editions now available on Amazon.

To all my beta readers, friends and colleagues, gamer and fantasy readers everywhere—you have been kind, encouraging, offered killer editorial quotes, and corrected at least a hundred thousand typos for me–my deepest thanks.


Monkeys #1 in D&D

Being number one in this category makes me inordinately happy. Thanks everyone for your support!

Release the Drunken Monkeys!

Finally! I can get these creatures out of my office. Oh sure, they’re “cute.” You have no idea what they've…

.99 cent sale on Heroes of Thera

To celebrate the launch on a Thousand Drunken Monkeys, the e-book version of Hero of Thera is on sale for…

Hero of Thera on Pre-Sale

My lastest novel, Hero of Thera, is available for pre-order on Amazon and Amazon UK. This is a special novel for me.…