Roughly Done

finish-lineJust finished the rough draft of my latest novel.

It took seven months and weighs in at a respectable 107,000 words.

This particular novel was odd in many ways; I broke just about every rule of writing I’ve developed over the last 20 years. It sure was a fun ride, though. (I’ll blog about the whole story later).

Lots of editing ahead, but that’s OK. Getting the rough draft down is the hardest part for me. I actually enjoy the editing and polishing phases.

The novel is in the LitRPG genre (Ready Player One, Alt World, etc.).

I’ll be asking my video- and tabletop game developer friends and colleagues for blurbs early next year!  🙂  Please!

Someone suggested that I claim I did NaNoWriMo … in three days. I wish.

My heart goes out to everyone doing that this year. Good Luck!


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