Createspace Proof

I got the proof for THE ENCHANTED KNOT last night. Almost perfect.

EK CS COVERTo my eye the printed cover, however, is a tad darker than the electronic version. That’s to be expected I suppose since this is ink on paper rather than pixels and light. Next time I might adjust the gamma by a few percentages. It’s so close, though, that I’m not going to mess with it (and Syne tells me I’m slightly colorblind, anyway).

Other than that, it’s crisply printed on cream-colored (not that dull “recycled” paper colored) pages. Nice heavy paper weight. Tight binding.

Overall equal to, or exceeding, the quality of my “professionally” printed trade paperbacks.



The only downside: a dollar or two more than the trade paperbacks printed in large quantities. This is because these are one-off print jobs, so no bulk discounts.

All that’s left is to give the text a once over—making sure all chapters, pages, and words are accounted for—and then I’ll release the electronic and print-on-demand version next week!

Omertà Senza Famiglia.


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